Top 6 Easy plants anyone can keep alive!
Want Real plants but don’t know where to Start?
If you are a new plant parent or would like to jump in the Plant Carrousel allow me to give you one suggestion: Start with an easy-going plant, you’ll see it makes all the difference and I assure you’ll keep your plants Alive and Happy.
Sometimes plant care can be overwhelming because we choose the wrong plants, they are either to finicky or they require different light conditions or watering that we don’t know about therefore is so important to look for Advice and choose the right plants.
Alright let’s get started with the list
1.Golden pothos
2.Snake Plant
3.Ponytail Palm
5.ZZ Plant
Basic care
Light: Golden pothos is the perfect plant for a darker location, it thrives on indirect light but it's very tolerant to lower light conditions even when no natural light is available, if this is the case, please leave your light on for your plant during the day.
Note: no plant will live under complete darkness as they need some sort of light to perform photosynthesis.
Watering your plant every 10 to 14 days is a great schedule, pothos plants can be drought tolerant but when it starts wilting it's time to water.
Watering Tip: never wait too long after you plant has already wilted as this can make the leaves to start yellowing and falling. Bring your plant in the sink or shower once a month for a deep clean up, doing so will help to remove any accumulated dust on the leaves.
2. Snake Plant “Sansevieria” the most resilient plants to have around in your home; if you don't have one already, I would definitely give it a try.
Sansevierias practically thrive on neglection so less water is always a better choice when we're talking about snake plants.
They are very adaptable and resilient this is why you might see these plans everywhere, they’re simply great.
Basic care
light: snake plants can be anywhere from a very dark location up to a really sunny location, you can either choose a north facing or a South facing window and your snake plant will thrive.
Watering: as I mentioned before neglection is best for Snake plants, water your snake plant only once the soil is fully dry, this can happen every three to four weeks.
Tip: if you are unsure if your soil is dry; try touching the soil it should be dry to touch and crumbly almost dusty, another way to see if there's any water left is by lifting the pot and sensing how much water is left, it should be very lightweight.
If the leaves are becoming wrinkly and soft, it's an indication that your plant might be very thirsty and is now time to water. please know all plants will have different watering schedules depending on the light conditions and the temperature of the place they’re living in.
3. Ponytail palm. Beaucarnea Recurvata is a light loving super easy plant, the ponytail palm is a desert plant that enjoy sunny locations and little water, they are very slow growing, and they Non-toxic to your pet Friends
Basic Care
Light: a very well illuminated space ideally under direct sunlight a West or South facing window is ideal for this plant.
Water your ponytail palm once the soil has fully dry in between waterings, this could happen every three to four weeks depending on the conditions in where it's growing
Tip: as new lives emerge from the top of the plant the older leaves will naturally dry and die, once a month Clean up the dead leaves off your ponytail palm, removing the leaves is very easy, gently pull down the brown lower Leaves of the plant, they will detach on their own; cleaning your plans at least once a month will ensure they are debris free and will also reduce the chances of getting any undesirable pests
4. Prayer plant. Maranta Leuconeura . These plants receive their name because of their lives moving up and down when the night comes, this is because they are light sensitive and they close and open to receive daylight during the day.

Marantas have beautiful color leaves the most popular and my personal favorite is the maranta lemon lime it has dark green leaves with striking lemon lime-colored veins, its flowers are rather small they range from a pale pink to white color. Another great thing about these plans is that they are non-toxic so you don't have to worry about your pets.
Care tips
Light: prayer plants prefer indirect light and tolerate lower light levels very well, the perfect location would be a north or east facing window where it receives some filter light.
Water: prayer plants prefer moist soils, water your plant every five to seven days allowing only the topsoil to dry in between watering’s. these plans are native to the rainforest of South and Central America they are understory plans meaning they grow on the jungle floors under bigger trees, in nature they will receive high humidity, lots of water and filter light.
5. ZZ plant “Zamioculcas zamiifolia” This is another great plant that thrives on neglection they are beautiful and elegant.
they require very little care and are very common in office and commercial spaces because of their endurance. ZZ plants have beautiful small glossy leaves that add a texture and life to any space.
Basic Care
Light: The ZZ plant prefers indirect light, a north or east facing window will be ideal out of direct sunlight all day.
Water: When it comes to ZZ plants less is more, allow the soil of your plant to dry in between watering’s, Watering twice a month is a great schedule.
These plants are drought tolerant, so if you tend to forget to water this is the plant for you. ZZ plants have potato like roots called rhizomes that store water for the drought seasons. this is the reason why you shouldn't be watered in your ZZ plant too often
6. Hoya plants
There are many beautiful varieties of Hoya plants but one of the most popular ones are the Hoya pubicalyx and the Hoya carnosa, these popular house plans are stunning trailing plants, in most cases will have succulent fleshy leaves that will surprise you with flowers once they are mature and established and they are non-toxic to pets, Hoya is a great plant to have around if you have small children and fury friends.
Basic Care
Light: hoyas enjoy a very bright location but no full sun, this means an East or West facing window is ideal, a spot where it gets a little bit of sunlight but not all day, they will live under lower light levels such as a north facing window but the flowers might not come if it doesn't have enough light.
Water: once a week, allow the first two inches of soil to dry in between waterings; my hoya plants do great in terracotta planters because it allows the soil to dry faster, these plants enjoy high humidity levels if you have a humidifier at home I would place it next to it.
Start your plant collection with any of these plants you won't be disappointed.
Happy planting,