Best Practices for Winter Care of Houseplants
Winter in Canada can be a challenging time for houseplants (and us too!) and this is due to the dry indoor air and reduced sunlight. To ensure your indoor greenery thrives during this season, here are some best practices to care for your beloved houseplants:

1. Adjust Watering Routine
During the winter, most plants experience slower growth. Ensure you adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Check the moisture levels in the soil before watering, as many plants require less frequent watering in colder months. As a general rule Never Never water without checking your soil first
if you are unsure on hoe to measure the soil check out this tool #MoistureMeter
2. Optimize Humidity Levels
Combat the dry indoor air by increasing humidity around your plants. Grouping plants together, using a humidifier, or placing a tray with water and pebbles beneath the pots can help elevate humidity levels.
3. Mind the Temperature
Place plants away from drafts and heating sources to prevent temperature fluctuations. Sudden changes in temperature can stress plants, so maintaining a consistent environment is crucial.
4. Provide Adequate Light
As daylight hours decrease in winter, ensure your plants get enough light. Consider moving them closer to windows or supplementing with grow lights to provide sufficient illumination for their needs.
5. Prune and Tidy Up
Trim off any yellowing leaves or dead stems. Pruning helps redirect energy to healthy parts of the plant and prevents diseases from spreading.
6. Limit Fertilizing
Reduce fertilization during winter, as plants typically don't grow as much and don't require as many nutrients. Resume regular feeding in spring when growth picks up.
7. Watch for Pests
Winter conditions might attract pests seeking warmth and shelter. Keep an eye out for signs of infestation, such as tiny webs or unusual markings on leaves, and take appropriate measures if pests appear. Wiping the leaves of your plants on a regular basis will help you reduce the chances of infestations
8. Consider Plant Needs
Different plants have varying needs. Some may require extra attention during winter, while others might be more resilient. Research the specific care requirements of each plant in your collection. For example tropical ferns can be particularly sensitive to dry air and cold drafts, make sure you keep them away from vents and open windows during the winter months
9. Protect During Transport
If you bring plants home after purchasing them, make sure they're adequately protected from the cold during transit. Shield them with paper or cloth to prevent exposure to harsh temperatures if you are traveling far or overnight try adding a heat pack in a box next to your plants specifically design for plant transportation, small animals and insects
10. Monitor and Adapt
Lastly, closely monitor your plants' health and adapt your care routine as needed. Every plant is unique, so observing their responses to your care helps in making necessary adjustments.

By implementing these best practices, you can help your houseplants thrive even during the challenging winter months. Remember, a little extra care and attention can go a long way in keeping your indoor garden healthy and vibrant all year round!
Justplants Team